who we are.


Dr Anke Köbach.

Anke is a psychologist, researcher and consultant specialized on trauma and aggression, affiliated to the University of Konstanz and vivo international. She has also been working in Rwanda, DR Congo, Senegal and Brazil doing research on violence and its mental consequences. She is particularly interested in how these consequences can be mitigated through evidence based psychotherapy. She has conducted clinical trials, published various articles and co-developed an intervention for the treatment of traumatised communities. Her latest work investigates epigenetic mechanisms related to trauma therapy. In parallel to her scientific work, she is also specialized on planning and implementing projects that aim to disseminate and scale up evidence based interventions, especially NET and its adapted version for traumatised offenders, children and adolescents and communities.


Dr Fernanda Serpeloni.

Fernanda is a psychologist and researcher who works on Brazilian public health (Fiocruz). She is a member of vivo international and has experience in working with children and adults who live under ongoing threat of violence. She has been to projects in Germany, Northern Uganda, Eastern DR Congo and Senegal. Her research interests focus on violence and mental health, evidence-based therapies for trauma, and in the biopsychosocial factors of traumatic stress and resilience, especially on epigenetic responses across generations. Fernanda has coordinated projects, published papers and has been working on the dissemination of NET in public health centers in Brazil. She is also a lecturer in Public Health (Fiocruz). During covid-19 she works on trainings in psychosocial care and mental health for health professionals.


Bianca Pickler.

Bianca is a psychologist and therapist, who recently participated in the Hospital Psychology Internship Program from the Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira (Fiocruz), which focused on the topic of maternity, paediatric surgery and intensive care unit surgery. In the NET Brazil Project, she conducts therapy with patients who attend the Brazilian public health services. She is greatly interested in the cumulative effects of trauma on mental health, and she is excited about psychotherapeutical interventions with aggressors, violence prevention and mental health promotion.


Dr Samuel Carleial.

Samuel is a biologist, data analyst, and music and nature enthusiast. He is the IT guy of the project. After his PhD in Plant Ecology and Evolution, Samuel started working at Prof. Thomas Elbert’s Lab (University of Konstanz). Since 2017, he has worked in international projects in Africa and Brazil which focused on the investigation of the effectiveness of NET and the association of mental disorders and treatment with epigenetic markers. He is interested in data analysis, statistical modeling, programming and epigenetic studies focusing on biomarkers for mental disorders and psychotherapy.


Jeanine Narrog.

Jeanine is a clinical psychologist specialized in cognitive behavioural therapy training (DGVT) and Narrative Exposure Therapy. She is a trainer and supervisor in different projects that focus on the dissemination of NET, for example to medical doctors at the Charité Berlin PICTURE Study, and to psychotherapists at the AWP Berlin. As half Brazilian, she feels it is particularly important to share her expertise and support with colleagues who work on the public health frontline and attend individuals or communities that suffer from ongoing violence in Brazil. She is passionate about delivering psychotherapy, and feels joy in accompanying the healing and communion achieved by her clients.


Débora Donato.

Débora is a Psychology student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She holds a scientific initiation scholarship (PIBIC/CNPq) to work for the NET Brasil Project in the CLAVES Lab (Fiocruz) conducting data analysis and administrative tasks. She is also a member of the Domestic Violence and Psychoanalysis Program (VIDPSI) at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service of IPUB (UFRJ). She is an enthusiast of violence prevention, mental health promotion, and clinical psychological interventions.


Júlia Fortes.

Júlia is a psychologist who held a scholarship to work on the research of self-inflicted violence during childhood and adolescence in the Department of Violence and Health Studies Jorge Careli (CLAVES/Fiocruz). She is a NET therapist in the NET Brasil Project, assisting patients from the basic mental health service. She is interested in understanding adverse life events, the cumulative effects of trauma, and how toxic stresses can affect individuals at the biological and psychological level.


Pedro Tavares.

Pedro studied marketing and is now in his last semester of Psychology studies. He also held a scholarship to work on the research of self-inflicted violence during childhood and adolescence in the Department of Violence and Health Studies Jorge Careli (CLAVES/Fiocruz). He is a NET therapist in the NET Brasil Project, assisting patients from the basic mental health service. He is interested in understanding adverse life events and the cumulative effects of trauma, and in suicide prevention for children and adolescents.


Giliene Souza.

Giliene is a clinical psychologist and research assistant (CLAVES/Fiocruz). In 2019, she participated in a NET training and worked as a psychologist intern at the Centro de Saúde Escola Germano Sinval Faria (Fiocruz) for the follow-up assessments of the community of Manguinhos. In 2020, she worked as an online volunteer psychologist during the covid-19 pandemic. Her interests include human development, especially in children, anxiety and related disorders, and research on violence against children and adolescents.


Felicia Gatewood.

Felicia is a psychologist who graduated from Georgia State University (GSU), and works as a research assistant in suicide prevention and intervention in the H.O.P.E Lab (GSU). She attended a NET training with Dr Danie Meyer from Uni Konstanz in 2019. Her interest in practising NET in Brazil is because of strong supervision with Dr. Fernanda Serpeloni as well as the diversity of patients that NET serves in Rio de Janeiro including the favelas, which somewhat mirrors the population of latino immigrants and refugees she works in the US. Her interests are early childhood violence prevention and multigenerational trauma. Her goal is to become a NET supervisor in the US.


Fernanda Catarino.

Fernanda is a psychologist and psychopedagogue with a Master’s degree in child and woman health from IFF (Fiocruz). She is specialized in clinical psychology (CRP/RJ) and in child and adolescent psychotherapy (IFF/Fiocruz). She has worked on domestic and sexual violence prevention, but also on health and human rights promotion. She currently works as a school psychologist. She is interested in preventing violence and human rights violations, and in promoting mental health, and child and youth development.

clinical supervision.

  • PD Maggie Schauer (vivo international e.V.)

  • Dr Katy Robjant (vivo international e.V.)

  • Dr Elisabeth Schauer (vivo international e.V.)

scientific collaborators.

  • Prof Dr Thomas Elbert (University of Konstanz)

  • Prof Dr Simone G. Assis (Fiocruz)

  • Prof Dr Joviana Avanci (Fiocruz)


  • Domenic Wenz (University of Konstanz)

  • Enrico Zwigart (University of Konstanz)

  • Dr Renata Tiemi Okuro

digital media.

  • Bruna Manso

  • Tâmera Vinhas